So on the basis of this legal bond the company can be taken to court if it does not bound what has been agreed in the warranty document. 具有法律效力后,若公司未履行文件中规定的义务,则可能被诉诸法庭。
My Ideas for Item 4 of the Legal Interpretation in Law of Warranty 担保法司法解释第四条争议之我见
It gives legal warranty to enterprises in capital investment course. 并利用成本法和权益法的条件及如何变换使用两法,为投资企业和被投资企业在资产运作过程中提供了法律依据。
On the other hand, this mechanism need to be further discussed from aspects of theoretical support and systematic guarantee because of lack of explicit legal warranty. 另一方面,该机制在法律上由于缺乏明确依据,在理论支撑和制度保障等方面尚需进一步探讨。
Analysis On the Legal Nature and the Relevant Problems of Consuming Loan Warranty Insurance 消费贷款保证保险法律性质及相关问题探析
On the Legal Consequence of Breach of Warranty in Marine Insurance 论违反海上保险合同中的保证的法律后果
In taxation legal relation, the legal attributes of tax warranty has influence on taxpayers 'basic rights and application scope of tax legal prescription, but there are many defects in the systems of tax warranty in China. 在税收法律关系中,税收担保的法律属性对纳税人的基本权利、税收法定主义的适用范围都有很大影响,而我国相关制度却存在许多漏洞。
This paper discusses the legal consequence of breach of warranty under existing Chinese law, and put, forward, the opinion in this respect. 本文主要讨论了我国海上保险法中违反保证的法律后果这一问题,并提出了作者的观点。
On the Legal Attributes of Tax Warranty 论税收担保的法律属性
Mortgage is right transfer warranty type in Anglo-American legal system, it has similar as well as different with warranty of cession in civil law system. 按揭是英美法中的权利移转型担保,它与大陆法系的让与担保既有相似之处又有一些不同。
Through the analysis of the essential differences between insurance and security, it is ascertained that the legal nature of Consuming loan warranty insurance is insurance law relationship but not security law relationship, though the two share some likeness in appearance. 通过对保险与担保本质区别进行分析,可以确认消费贷款保证保险的法律性质是保险而非保证担保,它与保证之间的相似之处仅仅是形似。
On Legal Control Over Warranty Terms in Insurance Contracts 保险保证条款的法律控制
A basic legal research on the warranty insurance in the installment purchase of vehicles 分期付款购车保证保险基本法律问题探析
The third and forth chapter of the paper expatiates general theory about warranty against defects of title, and it also makes a systemic research on the legal force and constituent elements of warranty against defects of title. 第三、四部分分别对权利瑕疵的表现形式和一般理论进行了论述,包括权利瑕疵担保责任的构成要件、法律效力、免责及与无权处分的关系。
Finally, there is a difference between the theoretical and legal regulation on the contract for the sale of warranty responsibility. 最后,是关于买卖合同瑕疵担保责任的理论及法律规制的区别。
One is a civil claim transfer of the legal issues involved in the transfer of the three parties claim the rights and duties, assignment of claims based on contracts and the effectiveness of the relationship between the warranty accountability. 一种是民事性质的债权转让,涉及的法律问题有债权转让中三方当事人的权利义务关系,基础合同与债权转让效力的关系,瑕疵担保责任的承担。
Starting from the legal practice in the United States, this part introduced the current warranty legal system under American law. 主要从美国的司法实践出发,介绍了美国现行的货物品质明示担保法律制度。
If things had gone Warranty responsibility to seek relief, it must be from a legal liability on the warranty to regulate the content and manner of relief, so that the right to a legal basis for relief. 若依瑕疵担保责任寻求救济,则必须从法律上对瑕疵担保责任的内容和救济方式进行规范,使权利救济有法可依。
Warranty is different from other systems with the strict performance principle and strict legal consequences. Through the comparison, warranty is necessary to exist. 保证制度以其严格的履行原则以及严厉的法律后果而与其他制度相区别,通过比较,可以看出保证制度存在的必要性。
Through theoretical analysis and questionnaire survey analysis, we can understand the license was of contractual nature, and its general terms should have legal force, and no warranty term was unreasonable. 通过理论分析与问卷调查分析,可以得知,许可证本身具有合同性质,其一般条款应当具有法律效力,其无担保条款确实存在不合理之处。